Vehicle Delivery FAQ

There are a few categories of customers that would qualify for a retail sales tax exemption. They are non-residents, Indiginous Peoples including  Métis, and Inuit people, and First Nations Bands. The details for each are listed below.

  1. Sales to non-residents – PST does not apply on vehicles purchased for out-of-province use by non-residents of Manitoba.

The dealer must:

  1. Either deliver or ship the vehicle outside the province, by common carrier.
  2. Or can deliver the vehicle in Manitoba by issuing an interim registration permit. The permit number must be recorded on the sale invoice.
  3. Or can deliver the vehicle in Manitoba by recording the purchasers home province validated license plate number on the sale invoice.
  1. Sales to Indigenous people including Métis, and Inuit people and First Nation Bands, they may purchase vehicles PST-exempt provided:
    1. The title to the vehicle is transferred on a reserve;
    2. And the purchase documents are signed on a reserve,
    3. And the purchaser takes possession of the motor vehicle on a reserve (the dealer delivers the vehicle or ships it by common carrier F.O.B to the reserve.)

*To qualify for an exemption on a lease the Indian must reside on a reserve, in addition to the above conditions.

PLEASE NOTE: Corporations held by Indians or Indian Bands do not qualify for the PST exemption available to Indians.

GST on Sales to First Nation, Métis, or Inuit Canadians


  1. Customer must be a Status First Nation, Métis, or Inuit but is NOT required to reside on a reserve. The rules are the same whether the customer is purchasing or leasing the vehicle.
  2. The legal transfer of ownership must be completed on a reserve.
  3. Status First Nation, Métis, or Inuit people must produce treaty number.
  4. Vendor must maintain proof that delivery was made to a reserve.

Suggestions for proof of delivery to reserve and proof of Status of First Nation, Métis, or Inuit:

  1. Photocopy his/her picture ID with treaty number.
  2. Have a picture taken of the person delivering the vehicle and native purchasing the vehicle in front of the band office on the reserve.
  3. Purchase $5.00 worth of gas at the closest station to the reserve. Even better if you can purchase gas on the reserve; no tax to pay.
  4. Signature of the purchaser.

It depends on where you are located! Our team is based out of Winnipeg and have all the resources we need to deliver vehicles right across Canada. 

If you live in Nunavut or Nunavik we typically deliver all your vehicles using the sea-lift. We are very experienced with this and will take care of all the arrangements for you.  There are typically 3 groups of sailings per year.  The sooner you purchase your vehicle the sooner we can book your spot on one of these sailings! Your vehicles will arrive between July - October depending on where you live and when you purchased.

If you live in Community only Accessible by a Winter Road then we will deliver your vehicle as soon as the roads are open! If you purchase while the roads are open then it usually takes 3-5 days for the vehicle to arrive right to your community.

If you live in a Community Accessible all year then we will have your vehicle on the road ASAP! Depending on where you live it could take 1-5 days for the vehicle to arrive at your doorstep!

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